Monday, August 3, 2015

Update on the gin and grapefruit infusion

This weekend I did the gin and grapefruit infusion and it worked out very well. I apologize for the lack of pictures. I had taken pictures of the process. I saved the venting of the nitrogen for when the guests arrived. I didn't want to whip out my phone and start taking pictures at that point.The infusion was as follows:400ml Sno gin360 g fruit from grapefruit60 grapefruit peelThe grapefruit was a huge one (pink.) It weighed in at about 550 g. I peeled it and set that aside. I then removed the pith. I pulled the sections apart, cut them open and removed the juice vesicles. This all went into the ISI along with 400ml of gin. I was going to use 500ml, but that was all I had left. Three nitrogen cartridges were used. My freezer was full, so the whipper went into an ice bath. This sat for about an hour and a half until guests arrived. Gas was purged and the gin was filtered through a strainer and then a coffee filter.The resulting gin was paler than expected. I was expecting it to be pinker. For the first round of drinks I chose to make martinis out of it:2 oz. gin1 oz. Dolin Blanc2 dashes Angostura orange bittersThey were a huge hit. The grapefruit added so many wonderful flavors. The amount of peel used brought in a very strong grapefruit zest flavor. The juice from the fruit brought in some sweetness and some bitterness without adding a lot of body to the drink. The absence of pith kept the bitterness in check. The drink had the sort of bitterness that danced on your tongue and demanded that you have another sip. The Dolin was a perfect compliment to this gin. The aromatics got buried by the gin, but the sweetness was the perfect level for the drink. The orange bitters may have been unnecessary.For the second round, we did gin and tonics. I use Jack Rudy's tonic syrup and my sodastream when I do G&Ts.2 oz. infused gin.75 oz. tonic syruptop off with sodaIt was the best G&T I have had yet.The next day I finished off the gin by making a martini with Antico Carpano instead of the Dolin. It was very good also, but the one with Dolin was better.All in all, I will be doing an infusion like this again. Being someone who likes a good Negroni, this gin infusion was right up my alley. It brought in a wonderful bitter fruitiness that couldn't have been brought in any other way.

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