Saturday, November 21, 2015

MxMo CIII: The “Standoffish” Roundup

mxmologoWe are very excited with this month’s entries! We asked folks to create or discover a tasty cocktail that used at least one non-mixed element (float, sink, rinse, etc.) and everyone really delivered with a range of different approaches and ingredients. Read on to see what everyone came up with…

Let’s get straight to the fabulous entries.

fullsizerender1First up, we have Emilie from Un Mojito Avec Ça?. Emilie’s a first time participant, welcome! (She also has the great taste of having chosen Booze Nerds as the first booze blog she read ;) Happy to know we’re spreading our enthusiasm to our Northern cousins!) She gives us the lovely  Ode to the Cold, combining vodka, ice cider (yum!), a dash of cardamom bitters, and a float of scotch. Sounds like a fantastic cold evening tipple.


Next up, we have Pete from METICULOUS MIXING who stepped out of his comfort zone and made a very tasty-sounding matcha foam for his drink The Green Wave. Props on the technical effort there! He mixed vodka, Galliano, chocolate vodka, two kinds of dairy, and the aforementioned foam. It sounds very intriguing and in Pete’s words, “liquid dessert”. We’re glad that our little challenge got Pete to try something new and fun. Always good to get more use out of your cream whipper!

img_0001Next, we have Andrea of the illustrious Ginhound blog (mmmmm, gin). Andrea went with a riff on the classic White Russian using shrub and Coco Pops. We love the unique take, especially the coffee balsamic shrub. We’re definitely going to have to try that.

vikingfogcutter8282Next, we have our illustrious host Fred over at Cocktail Virgin Slut with the Viking Fog Cutter, from what was likely the only original Seattle tiki bar. As big fans of aquavit, we love what it brings to this family of drinks and are excited to give this recipe a whirl. The balance of citrus and herbal in Fred’s interpretation of the recipe sounds very inviting. Bonus points for an excellent garnish too!

hemingway-deconstructed-s-300x278Next, we have Gary from Doc Elliot’s Mixology where he deconstructs (always fun!) the Hemingway Daiquiri  *and* gives us some pumpkin bisque shooters. The first moves the grapefruit and some of the Maraschino flavor into the foam, and the second adds some apple flavor to a creamy pumpkin and rum base. Both sound very tasty, and the pumpkin shooters pretty much demand to be made for the upcoming holiday.

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from Booze Nerds

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