Tuesday, July 21, 2015

I want to make a Turkish coffee liqueur as a holiday gift for folks. Do you have any relevant advice?


I'm trying to decide on a few things...

1) What to use as a base. I'm considering a brandy base because I find that a bit more exciting than rum or neutral spirits, but I've also thought about infusing neutral spirits with the coffee and cardamom and then blending that with something. Or would it be easiest to blend a concentrated cold-brew with the base?

2) Whether to use a light or dark roast of coffee, and what variety of beans to use.

3) Proportions of ingredients.

4) How long to infuse the coffee for.

5) What kind of sugar/syrup to use to finish it off. Thinking of demerara sugar.


Submitted July 21, 2015 at 05:23AM by schematicboy http://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/comments/3e2bgo/i_want_to_make_a_turkish_coffee_liqueur_as_a/

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