Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Help me Identify Two Cocktails, Please

I was out for a few drinks last weekend and was served two cocktails I would love to recreate (out of a large number). One was named Jade Buko (seemingly native to Bar25 in Copenhagen) and contained (according to their menu): Mulata rum, ginger juice, Cocoloco (whatever that is), lime juice, mint and basil, shaked and topped with Ginger Beer. Since I have a good idea what's in it, I really just need a suggestion on ratios (or maybe another name for the cocktail).The second, which I had after quite a few, was made on the fly by the mixologist. It was something she had learned from someone, but she didn't mention a name for it. I tried to keep an eye on proceedings, but the next day I could only remember 3 things:Ferdinand's saar quince gin.St Germain.Topped with soda.This one was very good and I would love the ratio and any forgotten ingredients.I could possibly experiment my way ahead, but thought I would ask here first. http://www.reddit.com/r/cocktails/comments/3fqowg/help_me_identify_two_cocktails_please/

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