Friday, July 17, 2015

Dirty Gibson / Brine Questions

Hey. A ways back someone ordered a 'dirty gibson' from me. I wasn't sure if I should use olive brine or the onion brine, since I'd never heard of onion brine being used. I asked the guest and they didn't know so I went with the onion brine and they didn't seem to mind. So I'd like to pose a few questions:

  • How would you make a 'dirty gibson'?

  • Favorite brand of cocktail onion? I know Filthy has great products but I've never tried their onions. Looking for anything unique / different.

  • Are there any other uses for onion brine? (I saw the pickled ramp gibson post which kind of triggered my whole post) Or for that matter, any other uses for / cocktail recipes with olive / other brine? I get requests for it in Bloody Marys a lot, for example, and I've seen pickle brine used to make a dirty martini.

  • Any other creative uses for cocktail onions / olives? I came across this cocktail a ways back that uses black olives as a garnish. Stuff like that.


Submitted July 17, 2015 at 10:05AM by oyapapoya

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