Friday, July 17, 2015

[XPOST from r/Beer] How do I make the 2nd snakebite in the same glass?

I make snakebites (Guinness and Cider) all the time. I have the technique down perfect, and can get a very clear line in between the beer and cider... for the first drink.

If I use the same glass for the 2nd drink, there is very little chance the second drink comes out as perfect as the first. In fact, it's usually a brown mess on the cider side with "most" Guinness still floating on top.

I've tried rinsing the glass out with water and drying with a towel. I've tried rinsing the spoon. The only thing that seems to work the best is switching to a new glass, which is a pain in my ass and I'd like to avoid it in the future.

My current guess is something to do with the fact that I've opened the Guinness and Cider, and something about them sitting open is messing up my next round. Or, I have to completely wash and dry the glass and spoon, which is also something I'd like to avoid.

Am I the only one? Thoughts on what I should do?

Submitted July 17, 2015 at 09:04AM by Jsnake666

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